Master Tisha B’Av

Contains 4 audio Shiurim:

  1. Gemara – related to the Destruction in Masechta Gittin.
  2. Mishnah – from Masechta Moed Katan that relates to Mourning.
  3. Mishnah Berurah on Tisha B`Av.
  4. Machshava – Ramban, Chofetz Chaim.



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Contains 4 audio Shiurim:

  1. Gemara – related to the Destruction in Masechta Gittin.
  2. Mishnah – from Masechta Moed Katan that relates to Mourning.
  3. Mishnah Berurah on Tisha B`Av.
  4. Machshava – Ramban, Chofetz Chaim.



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