We are grateful to have available the entire Talmud available. The MASTER DAF shiur has helped literally thousands learn and review a daf gemara.

Many have completed the entire Shas with our shiur. Both beginners and Roshei Yeshiva are regular users of the unique shiur that navigates a full daf in under 25 minutes.

Are you tired of starting the Daf Yomi engine/regimen, every seven years, and then “running out of gas” due to time-consuming responsibilities? Are you up to reviewing a mesecta in just 2-3 days? If the answer is yes, we have the shiur for you. The MasterDaf shiur features a concise explanation that allows one to navigate an entire daf (2 sides) in about 20 minutes.

Every word of the Gemara is read, translated and explained clearly inside, with Rashi weaved into the explanation.

Used by both beginners and Roshei Yeshivos.

Especially effective for Daf Yomi preparation and review and to “catch up”, if one fell behind.

NOTE: Master Talmud and Master Daf Yomi are the same exact shiur but the tracks are divided differently.

Master Daf Yomi has one track per daf.

Master Talmud has one track per 1/3 of an Amud, or 6 tracks per daf. This allows you to easily maneuver within the blatt itself.

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